My 2023 in review

Thursday, Dec 21, 2023

Figure 1: Dietmar Rabich CC BY-SA 4.0 (link) Things that I achieved this year. Exercise. I was going 3 times a week to the gym. Now I’m working out at home about once a week. A no-processed-foods diet. Occasional respite from some health issues. I’m not dieing so that’s pretty cool. Remained self-employed. Even after many project transitions including firing a toxic client. Worked with some new technologies including Love2d, Fennel, Angular 3, Next.

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Sway review

Thursday, Oct 26, 2023

Hello, my name is Winny and welcome to my honest review of Sway, a i3wm compatible Wayland compositor. Its primary appeal is a compositor experience that is easy to install, and familiar to i3 users. For my usage, it is one of the few compositors flexible enough to deploy on older hardware. Startup Sway does require a bit of effort and time to get it in a usable state from the stock configuration.

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Nix / NixOS misconceptions

Sunday, Aug 6, 2023

I’ve been using Nix for a year now. It’s been going fairly well, by the way. Here are some misconceptions I’ve had to overcome to become a more productive Nixer. False: You can’t deploy Nix software to Docker or Kubernetes False. If you can push to a docker registry such as, you can deploy to Docker or Kubernetes using Nix. You can use dockerTools.buildImage to build a docker image from Nix.

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Racket frustrates me

Friday, Jun 16, 2023

2024-07-06 I’ve archived this post Looking for the post Racket frustrates me? You can read the original post on The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Why archive this post? It’s been about a year since I published this post and since realized something: I don’t have any skin in the game anymore. My workflow is now 100% Racket free. It no longer matters to me if Racket becomes a whopping success or a sullen failure.

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My first game jam

Thursday, Jun 8, 2023

Source lives here. Play it here. In a joint effort, Aliasing and myself have created a novel top-down action rogue-lite for the 2023 Spring Lisp Game Jam. Aliasing is an experienced game dev so in a way, I was along for the ride. Still, I managed to contribute some game mechanics, features, unit testing, CI/CD that deploys to on every commit. This was a fun devops exercise for me - Aliasing mentioned to me that I helped keep him on track with the addition of automated testing and per-commit deploys to a website (it makes it easy to play-test pull requests).

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Sillypaste migrated to

Thursday, May 18, 2023

I’ve been operating Sillypaste (source code) - a simple Django pastebin created for dogfooding. In this post I hope to capture some of the painpoints of working with Django, Python, Heroku, and the migration to Ever since Heroku sold its soul to SalesForce its been on the decline. Customer service is worse than ever, giving wonderful canned responses to most questions. It used to be free to host Sillypaste on heroku, now is a $17/mo ordeal.

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Pre-commit in GitHub Actions & GitLab CI

Thursday, Mar 9, 2023

Figure 1: Pre-commit running within GitLab CI I’ve been using pre-commit as my tool to set up hooks to run when I commit to Git. It helps me catch gotchas such as fixing line endings, fixing whitespace, refusing to commit on linter errors, and so on. Often, I’ve noticed with working on teams is it’s fairly easy for a new contributor to forget to set up pre-commit on their development machine.

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