Racket frustrates me

Updated Sunday, Jul 7, 2024

§2024-07-06 I’ve archived this post

Looking for the post Racket frustrates me? You can read the original post on The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

§Why archive this post?

It’s been about a year since I published this post and since realized something: I don’t have any skin in the game anymore. My workflow is now 100% Racket free. It no longer matters to me if Racket becomes a whopping success or a sullen failure. Racket exists. It just is. Due to my divestment from the Racket ecosystem, I haven’t kept current with the growth of the ecosystem. Consequently, my concerns about Racket are probably out of date.

Racket was an exciting exploration into the one possible future of computing. I became emotionally invested in its potential and felt let down as my idealization of what Racket could be drifted further from reality of what Racket is. There was greatness in store for Racket, alas it wasn’t to be.