My 2023 in review
Updated Thursday, Dec 21, 2023

Figure 1: Dietmar Rabich CC BY-SA 4.0 (link)
Things that I achieved this year.
- Exercise. I was going 3 times a week to the gym. Now I’m working out at home about once a week.
- A no-processed-foods diet.
- Occasional respite from some health issues. I’m not dieing so that’s pretty cool.
- Remained self-employed. Even after many project transitions including firing a toxic client.
- Worked with some new technologies including Love2d, Fennel, Angular 3, Next.js, NestJS.
- Completely exit social media.
- Quit IRC and shed the cloud of negative energy befallen this waning community.
- Started my hand at entrepreneurship and small businesses - currently experimenting with resales and tutoring.
- Realized that I don’t need to work in tech if it doesn’t bring me joy. If I find a tech job that resonates with me, great, if not, that’s okay too. Life is too short to put up with a negative employment experience.
- Let go of a bunch of stuff that wasn’t good for me anymore. Some were technologies that I ingrained into my personality (woops, don’t do this!), and others were spending less time around folks that were mostly negative energy.
§Goals for 2024
- Even more exercise. Working out at home (for me) requires more discipline and routine.
- Cover all my living expenses with my small businesses.
- Consider the next place to live. Milwaukee doesn’t offer the best weather. Nor does it offer many other benefits that I seek for in a city (such as a safe and secure experience when cycling or walking - no reckless autos).
- Figure out how to monetize my writing.
- Create (content?) every week in a way that is share-able with others.
Friends and family make you. So this is a little note: thanks to everyone for being kind, patient, honest with each other in 2023. Let’s keep it up in 2024.
Keep it real.