Tag: Computing

Switching website to GitLab Pages

Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020

Previously I detailed how I set up blog.winny.tech using GitHub for source code hosting and Caddy’s git plugin for deployment. This works well and I used a similar setup with my homepage. The downside is I host the static web content and I am tied to using Caddy.1 I imagine simpler is better, so I opted to host my static sites — https://winny.tech/ & https://blog.winny.tech/ — with GitLab pages. What’s wrong with Caddy?

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How to fix early framebuffer problems, or "Can I type my disk password yet??"

Wednesday, Dec 25, 2019

Most of my workstations & laptops require a passphrase typed in to open the encrypted root filesystem. So my steps to booting are as follows: Power on machine Wait for FDE passphrase prompt Type in FDE passphrase Wait for boot to complete and automatic XFCE session to start Since I need to know when the computer is ready to accept the passphrase, it is important the framebuffer is usable during the early part of the boot.

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The Danger of fuzzy matching over one's PATH

Friday, Aug 2, 2019

Awhile back I noticed my personal mnt/ directory, my (empty) personal tmp/ directory, and a few symbolic links disappeared from my home directory. I only noticed because I use unison1 to synchronize my desktop and laptop homedirs. The actual amount of removed directories and symbolic links were staggering, and it costed me five minutes of extra effort to search through the unison UI to ignore files I don’t want to synchronize.

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Blink Shell: First Thoughts

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019

As a heavy user of SSH to manage computers and IRC via command line clients, the most used application on my phone besides the web browser is a SSH client. Previously I have used Prompt and it worked, but barely. My issues with Prompt include crashing on emoji spam that is common in certain IRC channels, very slow terminal rendering to the point that watching the output of compiling a large package will cause Prompt to lag uncontrollably for tens of seconds, and a relatively un-intuitive UI.

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GNU C Style

Sunday, Jan 13, 2019

No. Do not use it please! There are far easier-to-read and easier-to-use styles for C! 1 Indentation Style on Wikipedia ↩︎

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Publishing with org-static-blog

Friday, Jan 11, 2019

Criteria After reviewing a list of org-mode1 capable static website generators2, I decided to see if org-static-blog3 could suffice my simple needs. My criteria for choosing an org-mode static site generator was: it must be actively maintained, it must be simple to set up with customizations, and it must work with Emacs 26 and later. This ruled out quite a few right away. I didn’t attempt using org-publish, as it looked like a great deal of configuration to achieve a minimum viable web-page for this project.

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Toggle Redshift with Keyboard Shortcut

Wednesday, Jan 9, 2019

Redshift is a screen-tinting program that achieves similar goals to the popular f.lux1 program. I perused through the redshift man-pages and noticed there is no documented way to toggle redshift. Of course one can click the notification area icon when using redshift-gtk or SIGTERM the redshift process, but neither is very user friendly. (The mouse is not user friendly.) After some awkward DuckDuckGo-ing and Googling I found an obvious solution on the redshift homepage2: simply send SIGUSR1 to the redshift or redshift-gtk process.

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